Entry 1. the night before April 8

I believe it started with some sort of fairy tale, including a girl on a hot air baloon and sme remisence of summer camp? The girl on the hot air baloon was singing and wearing traditional european garb. If i could remeber her song mabye id be famous (it was good).

The next thing I remeber is being a foriegn exhange in britain? Somewere like that. The place I was staying at was a large home, with a separate aparment like area for people to stay. It was decorated nicley, and featured a large sofa overlooking some windows and metal balcony things. There was a girl who wa sprobably an older sister of the family who welcomed me. We left for a moment, but when we came back the room was completeley redecorated. The girl explained her dad liked to do this and she seemed very annoyed. It was mainly pink, fringey, and girly, but changed to more of a messy plant millenals home when we walked inside again. I walked around for a bit and accendtaly peeked into the family room, which had one of those big L couches whihc the ntire family was bundled up on watching TV in the dark. I dont think they saw me.

Next the dad and family wanted to show me this TV show called "The Traingle." He asked me if I knew it and I said mabye. He started playing it and it was actually Led zepellin??? It was like a characture of him and 3 other peole behind bars offending me while singing. I started to contrort my face to be all wierd and agry like his, to which he started responding and answering bac (very state of the art TV, perhaps AI?). The family seemed a bit annoyed and asked me to stop and just watch.

Next they took me on a tour of the school/neighorhood. I was suddenly bombared by like 100 birtish students, all seeming pretty intrested in me (im an attencion seeker at heart so this subconciuos makes since) I went on to eplain the wird parts of america like proscessed food and a lack of public infastructure (very true). The next thing they showed me was an amxing outdoor fossil musuem. It was prety amazing so I told my tour guide I wish I could cut of my arm, let it fossilize, then give it to you." That would be very sweet if someone said that to me.

The next thing I can remebr is being on a train. I was either working on the train or for some reason riding on top of it. I decided to let the train crush me and anotehr person for some reason. I got killed pretty easily butreincaroted ontop of the train as... gojo? THis is were it gets weird. And who was I with? .... blonde geto??? I remeber pretty clearly thinking this was wierd in the dream and fixing geto's hair like a lego but it kept getting worse and more blonde. I think i threw away the gojo geto thing at some point becuae now we were just a normal, non anime couple. We wnet to a coffee shop as couples do, and once again, a great song was playing. The lrycis went to the toon of that one TV girl song with the blue hair... "Sugar plum tea, makes me dizzy"