This one is very short, becuase I forgot most of it. There was a chunk before with my school staying in a cool modern event space/conention but I dont remeber much. It started with a bunch of people running and hiding throughout a train tracks somehwere outside. They were a bunch of tall trees and some snow. I was with a small group that included 2-4 people my age, and a few younger. We saw someone/a group trying to chase us, so we ran threw the snowy woods, jumping by rocks and logs and entering a empty town. The homes were vaugley coloful, and had nice shingles and designs. we continued to be chased, and I rushed evryone out of a broke window, but there was rusty metal and glass and my hand were cut easily. I gave my socks to a younger member to put on their hands, and everyone seemed pretty cold so I got asked about how cold my feet were. It was cold, I could feel it pretty well and I looked for more socks later. We moved to a new home that seemed secure to hide. The inside of the home was quite large, featuring a cozy living room, a loft, and a basement. There were other rooms but these were the main ones. The group decided to look for things, and relax, but I wasnt quite sure we had lost them yet. Other members seemed sure, and the more I would ask them to be quiet or move away from the windows the more they would get angry. I found some black zip up bags similar to guitar cases with some weapons. I rushed them to other members and kept one for myself. It was an extremley tall and long axe with a thin handle and wide blade. I rember liking it alot so i put it back in the bag and kept it. The group was sitting around the table, when suddenly everyone stopped talking. I turned around to see someone inside. I walked into the kitchen and when i looked to my left the leader of the opposing group was there. He gestered to sit in a chair at the head of the table and I did so. He came up behind me and began speaking. "Ahh... You told them to stop talking and close the windows but no use. You are a fool." He noiteced my bag. "whats this?" I got really annoyed becuase it aws obvoius he was goinng to take my cool axe. He did.
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